We Would like You to Consider the most recent in 1.80ct Brown Champagne Cushion Cut Diamond Engagement Ring 14k White Gold
If you were to take time to look, you will see that there's presently numerous 1.80ct Brown Champagne Cushion Cut Diamond Engagement Ring 14k White Gold in the marketplace. Bearing this in mind you will speculate the key reason why we've released yet one more of such products. The truth is it does not matter what number of virtually any product there is actually that you can buy, Manufacturer feel like they can be improved on and we are sure you will find our latest product to be considerably greater than any that are out there right now.
When numerous various manufacturers will be spending their time and cash on expensive packages and features that no one really wants, we've gone in a distinctive direction. Our aim was to make a 1.80ct Brown Champagne Cushion Cut Diamond Engagement Ring 14k White Gold that was built with you in view. We wish to give you a item that is perfect for dealing with any scenario that you happen to have in mind and offer you will get unsurpassed service, not something which merely appears ok emerging from the package.
Whatever you pay for, you're of course going to be searching for the item to produce features that will likely make the task you are carrying out quicker. Even though we didn't load our 1.80ct Brown Champagne Cushion Cut Diamond Engagement Ring 14k White Gold up with several pointless functions which might be there merely to make it stand out, we integrated functions that we believe you are going to find vital as they are will make any kind of task you carry out far easier and help you to get them accomplished much more quickly.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $8,395.00
You Save : Check Special Offers !!!
Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days
This item is a new certified 1.80ct Brown and white diamond ring set in 14k white gold. A sparkling SI-1 clarity .95ct brown cushion cut diamond is set atop the ring. It's surrounded by .85cts of round diamonds. They are sparkling SI-1 clarity and G color diamonds that surround the solitaire and are set down the sides. It measures 8.8mm wide along the finger at its largest point. All of the diamonds in the ring are 100% natural. It's accompanied by a full independent gemological laboratory UGL diamond certificate and separate Front Jewelers store appraisal. Both state its characteristics and appraisal value of ,395. This fantastic ring is 100% risk-free because of our 14 day return policy, and due to our customer satisfaction guarantee. If you have any questions please contact us at 1-877-376-1940 Monday through Friday 10am - 5pm eastern time.
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